vReg is a Virtual Registration kiosk connected to a live person.

Where Virtual Is Still Reality

What does vReg bring to the table?

Virtual is safe and preferred by all, including the elderly!

Ever try to hear a person behind a glass and with a mask on? Ever watch older generations struggle to understand what they are being asked in your current environment? vReg solves this struggle with actual people, yet in a virtual environment where viruses and obstructions are gone! No large monitors in the way, nor safety glass or masks obstructing sound or conversations. People see smiling faces with one-on-one conversations in a safe, interactive environment. Results and surveys have proven that both older and younger generations absolutely love vReg – they can finally see and hear the person helping them!

Great working relationships with coworkers.

Although vReg team members are virtual, they have active communication through chat, email, and video communication with the rest of your team. Employees still build a relationship through today’s technology and truly become one of the team!

Multi-kiosk application

One of the most important elements of vREG is the ability for a Full-Time Employee to work in multiple locations. vRS has designed the ability to put your virtual staff either in multiple locations working designated shifts (split shifts), or in a queued environment where they can work multiple locations in a queue system (ready when someone walks up to the Kiosk). Think about your remote locations or your areas that have peak times that need help, there’s no need to hire multiple people for multiple locations – one team member can work them and never have to travel between locations. Your ROI skyrockets and your team gets help where and when they need it!

The user experience is as simple as can be

The vReg Terminal is a self-contained all-in-one unit. Simply turn it on and you’re ready to go!

Out with the old and in with the new

We’re focused on providing real People through technology to interact with Patients from anywhere in the country.

vReg puts Registration hiring to a “GLOCAL” opportunity, keeping the sense of face-to-face interaction with Patients. Hiring and training is outsourced (Like an Early Out process). vREG Patient Advocates are dedicated to your hospital and trained to your service level expectations.